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About Noi

My name is Noi and you have probably seen me around Ealing during my nannying for local families. I grew up in Thailand, and came to the UK 17 years ago. I've always loved cooking big, tasty Thai dishes for my family, friends and the families I worked for as a nanny. Children always love noodles!

I planned to open a cafe one day, but when I saw how Covid-19 was making it harder for people to get hold of groceries and home cooking, I wanted to help the local community by cooking and delivering family-friendly meals at affordable prices.

Thanks to the support and feedback from local Facebook groups, I started offering and delivering up to five different dishes a day depending on which fresh ingredients I had. As interest in my Thai food delivery service picked up, I soon started cooking from the kitchen at Ryan's Bar on Northfield Avenue in Ealing. When pubs finally reopened, I was excited to start serving customers within the pub as well as continuing to offer delivery and pick-up.


I would love for you to try my authentic Thai food. Come and visit Noi's Thai Kitchen at Ryan's Bar or if you can't make it there, you can order delivery from Deliveroo.


What my customers say


Helen, W5

“My whole family loves Noi's cooking, even my fussy toddler. Her portions are generous, so make sure you're wearing your elasticated waisters before you dig in.”


Rakatahr, from Facebook

"Great service: friendly and good communication. The food is fresh and clean. Very tasty Thai food. Should have taken a picture but had already eaten it when I thought about a picture for this review 🤣🙈. Thank you Noi for a delicious dinner."


Tracie, from Facebook

“We had dinner delivered this evening. If you’re craving a real authentic Thai don’t miss out. fabulous flavours, really great! Khun Noi, Ka 🙏🏽 👏👏💕



“Hi Noi, we've just finished your lovely food. It's the best Thai food we've had in years. Thank you so much.”

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